
cv – curriculum – 프로필 – 恢复

mi … mi … mi … me

Born into a musical family in the musical Rheingau valley, as a child I got the chance to start my vocal education as the first girl joining the boys’ choir Kiedricher Chorbuben. My eight years as a choir boy were great and influenced my decision to become singer.

A little detour via studies in musicology, English literature and art history at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz turned out to be very fortunate in combination with my vocal education, since afterwards I happened to specialize in Early Music and historic performance practice at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis.

For more than 25 years I have been performing internationally as a free-lancer – not only Baroque music. And since 2009 I have been teaching as a professor, first at the HfM Nuremberg, now at the Hochschule für Musik Mainz. And teaching, too, is a great passion!

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